Event, Training and Competition
Peer Educator Training Weekend

Date: 11-13 October 2024


Ratlingate Scout Campsite, Carlisle.

Basic Training & Safe the World!

Peer Educators are members aged 14-25 and are role models that girls can relate to. They help our young members to learn about things that directly affect their lives, by delivering fun and interactive sessions to units!

Featuring themes including mental well-being, personal safety, and challenging gender stereotypes, Peer Education works because girls are eager to listen to those on their level. These fun, safe, and challenging sessions are developed in association with expert partners.

To book, email – countycommissionercumbrianorth@gmail.com

Want to know more?

Monday - Friday 9.00am - 4.30pm

Get in touch

northwesthq@girlguidingnwe.org.uk 01772 791 947 Guiding Road, Preston, PR2 5PD

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